Tuesday 7 May 2024

Satya's 20th Birthday

 Twenty years ago,

I awoke this day
To be blessed with a beautiful gift
God sent my way

The gift I received was Precious  and True,
She came into the world
With eyes shining blue

I wondered how I had managed such a masterpiece,
I held you with love..
Scared to hurt you with a squeeze

All the years have gone on by
So fast
I cannot fathom, whether they were this lifetime
Or the last

The mother in me was born that day,
Wonder of wonders ..
Thank Heavens for this day
In that month of May

You have become you
And grown and still
Are on your way
To discover and conquer and

I wish you the Best,
My heart really swells
Your mother is proud
Of your doings, your thinkings and your tells

2nd May 2024

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