Saturday 18 April 2020

A poem for a beautiful day

Be happy my friend,
My heart tells me to sing,
Be happy and joyful
As our learning begins,

Today is a new day
Which has been added to your  kitty 
Today in itself is bigger than eternity

When each second counts 
And each minute spins 
With a mind that engages 
To every person and thing 

The day will be so much 
While being so less 
Time will slip by 
But your reality will progress 

Be aware of all that you have 
And all that you think
You are the maker of 
Your little sweet nothings 

Hold what you love
And be held in their embrace 
And while you do that 
Smile, as your presence  in the world 
Is God’s shining Grace 

Written on 18/04/2020

Thursday 13 February 2020

Walking and talking

Like a silent doe,
On a winter's dawn
In a quaint forest,
principally Brown

Come walk with me,
My dear friend
and admire Nature's Gown

We shall walk a bit,
We shall talk a bit
and gossip on the trails of fall

We shall laugh a bit,
and shiver a bit
In case the temperature might stall

At the end of the road,
We shall replenish and hunt
Our Hunger, Our thirst, Our Cold

Our spirits will get a sureshot lift,
Our meeting will feel like Gold

Tuesday 14 January 2020

Burning Light of Glee

This burning light of glee,
Is entrenched so deep
Within me
It seems to keep strong,
Every moment as I move
Dancing along
People must Wonder, 
What is it I see
People must question,
On its mystery
So happy I stay,
Counting my blessings each day
So childlike I seem,
With my silly smile
And it’s beam
Everyone wants the burning light in me
Everyone wants my very own brand of Happiness Ghee
May you be me, 
And mine be yours
May your minutes go by, 
Lived fully like hours
May you be so aware of
The breath you take 

May you be happy to be alive 
So as to make a mistake 

May you realise your luck
Which is better than his

The one who lives life for
Tomorrow’s bliss