one plus one is not eleven!
Love him truly and forever,
that is often said by oh so Clever...
A young woman who falls off her feet
the auspicious day she will meet
Mr Right maybe in a mall Or
near the chakki shop before night fall.
Then she will gladly give it a fight,
being together they will prove it right,
That their choice was the best of all
Even a decade later the foundation was strong
Of their union which others deemed all wrong.
They are happy, they are free
Of the aunties that said "I told you Ji"
Ok, when they fight or when things go askew,
They can only blame themselves for a decision they knew..
Would not necessarily make everyone happy
& would not be embraced joyfully.
What would their lives be had they chosen,
The photograph on the dresser table
Of a partner right in measure,
Potentially portrayed as a life full of pleasure.