Monday 29 April 2024

 Lover's soup 

Your presence in my life 

is like salt in a soup,

The soup is what's my life

The taste that comes from the added salt 

is maturing into our love's prize.

Your smile when I meet your eyes,

is what creates a magical map 

that links our souls, our quests , our goals

The joy ensued is our daily juicy sap 

Friday 19 April 2024

Women's day

Cheers to Life,
That has given me so much
I don't need a day to
celebrate as such

Cheers to opportunities
that keep coming my way
It doesn't matter
which minute, which hour, which day

Cheers to the stars Under
which I was born,
No need to fight
and try to win any crown

Cheers to the men
who are in my life
My Father, my brothers, my boss, my love
I'm treated well by all,
No need for strife

Cheers to the world
that rises through my eyes
The sun is Glorious
the stars bring respite

Cheers to the day
That will cease in existence,
When all women of the world
Will stop having to live their lives
in resistance

Ideal middle aged love

You make my life so simple,

So joyful and full of ease

Being with you has been a walk 

Through a valley of wildflowers, butterflies and breeze

Your aura is so shining...

I am dazzled by your charms 

When you look at me with love 

and smile 

Nothing in this world can take 

me from you and your arms

You're a man simply in love

and I meet you and agree...

Life was what it was in our past 

But the now and the future I 

desire with you in glee